



AGM Meeting 08 September 2018

Tasmanian Motorcycle Council Inc Annual General Meeting 10.30 am 8th September 2018 Meeting held in Iron Horse Bar and Grill VIP Room at Richardson’s Harley-Davidson

Tasmanian Motorcycle Council Inc

Annual General Meeting 10.30 am  8th September 2018

Meeting held in Iron Horse Bar and Grill VIP Room at Richardson’s Harley-Davidson



Paul Bullock, Mick Boyd Danny Penny, Julie Penny, Garry Long, Simon Hrycyszyn,

 Merilyn Hrycyszyn, Henk Van Zetten, Robert Smith.

Simon Hcycyszyn also representing SATANS RIDERS MC

Robert Smith also representing Vietnam Veterans MC

Danny Penny also representing Motorcycle Riders Association


Apologies Norman Targett, John Wallander


Paul Bullock declared meeting open 10.35 am and thanked all for their attendance.

AGM minutes from previous AGM 9th September 2017 read and tabled ,

Acceptance moved by Danny Penny….. Seconded Henk Van Zetten ………. Carried

Business Arising from previous AGM minutes  …………………NIL


Presidents Report

Paul Bullock presented his report, tabled as read.                       Accepted


Treasurers report read by Paul Bullock, Balance to date $ 637,99 tabled by Paul Bullock

 Seconded Simom Hrycyszyn …………….. Acceptance Carried as presented.


Appointment of Office Bearers

All positions declared vacant,

Appointment of Officers to Tasmanian Motorcycle Council Inc, accepted by the meeting as follows,

President               Paul Bullock

Vice President     Simon Hrycyszyn

Treasurer            John Wallander

Secretary             Mick Boyd

Public Officer      Norman Targett

Executive Committee       Julie Penny,  Danny Penny,  Gary Long,   Henk Van Zetten


Special Business

Changes to the constitution


  1. 1.      Meeting attendance numbers required to form a corium to be reduced   from ten persons to six persons.
  2. 2.      AGM advertising to be changed from three newspaper public notices to one newspaper public notice, Web site & Facebook.
  3. 3.      Membership joining fee to be removed, application of prospective members to passed by TMC committee after applicant fills out the required form.

Amendments to constitution Moved by Simon Hrycyszyn  …… Seconded  Paul Bullock  all in favour Carried.

Next Annual General Meeting

7th September 10.30 AM in Iron Horse Bar and Grill at Richardson’s Harley Davidson

468 Westbury Rd Prospect.


Meeting Closed 11.20 AM.


Paul Bullock


Tasmanian Motorcycle Council Inc

0427 889 074

 Download a PDF copy of the Munites CLICK HERE