



General Meeting 10.30 am 4TH June 2022

Meeting Minutes




General Meeting 10.30 am 4TH June 2022




 Paul Bullock, Steve Hammersley, Danny Penney, Bron McCarthy, Simon Hrycyszyn, Mick Boyd, Damien Briggs



Apologies: Julie Penney, Brian Hornsby



  1. Previous Meeting Minutes


Minutes moved by Paul Bullock second by Steve Hammersley


  1. Business arising from previous meeting.
  2. New pamphlets have been printed, we will pay and then MAIB will reimburse us from there.
  3. National ride safety week, in conjunction we uploaded to website and to Facebook all media
  4. Still keep going ahead with our plan to do a ride in the warmer weather. State Growth would like to be involved and show support.



  1. Correspondence


  1. MAIB confirmation of funding for pamphlets
  2. Survey for online about Motorcycling in Tasmania- 291 responses. TMC to send a response asking where the information came from?
  3. Flying colours confirmation of print
  4. AMC meeting, Mick Boyd sent apology as he was in another meeting
  5. State growth Road works report
  6. Invoice from Flying Colours
  7. AMC finance report
  8. Meander Valley Council advised of works at Hadspen





  1. Outward Correspondence – Same as above



  1. Treasures Report- same as last month



  1. General Business
  2. Meeting with State Growth, report presented
  3. RSAC meeting state growth presented report for licensing system. Report had outdated information in it and was the same as a 2016 report. Spoke about international licensing system. Report was accepted.
  4. TMC to prepare a submission on report that has incorrect information in it. Response to be done by the August meeting.
  5. John Evans North program$1000 funded by state growth including a $400 voucher for riding gear at one store.




Meeting closed at 11:21am


Next Meeting


Saturday 9th July 10:30am Ironhorse Bar & Grill